FAQ & User Guide

* FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)

Question : Bagaimana cara menambahkan deposit?

Answer :

Berikut langkah menambah deposit DOI by RJI:

1. Login di doi.relawanjurnal.id 

2. Klik menu Payment 

3. Masukkan Nominal Payment

4. Jika ingin Berdonasi masukkan Nominal Donasi,

5. Cek Invoice, bayar menggunakan Nomor Virtual Account

Jika kesulitan bagaiman melakukan payment di aplikasi doi by rji Silakan simak video berikut: https://youtu.be/pT2Pz2N5ZIU

Usahakan saldonya jangan sampai minus, karena itu akan berdampak pada penangguhan akun crossrefnya. Semoga bermanfaat. 


Question : Bagaimana cara aktivasi DOI?

Answer :

Aktivasi DOI silakan cek video tutorial disini:


Question : Aktivasi DOI masih mengalami error?

Answer :

Kendala aktivasi yang masih eror? Silahkan menghubungi Ketua Pengurus Pusat RJI https://wa.me/62818240698 (Andri Putra Kesmawan)

Question : Apa yang dimaksud dengan CY dan BY pada invoice?

Answer :

Current Year (CY) adalah biaya aktivasi artikel terbitan saat ini & 2 tahun sebelumnya (2022, 2021,2020) dan dikenakan biaya sebesar $1/artikel.

Sedangkan Back Year (BY) adalah biaya aktivasi artikel untuk terbitan dibawah tahun CY (2019, 2018, dst) dengan biaya $0.15/artikel.

Question : Bagaimana untuk berlangganan Turnitin & Ithenticate?

Answer :

Untuk mengurus Ithenticate, silahkan klik https://forum.relawanjurnal.id/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=743 untuk mengetahui tahapan-tahapan pengurusannya.

Sedangkan untuk Turnitin silahkan klik https://www.turnitin.com dan Registrasi di https://s.id/DaftarTurnitinKresna

Terima kasih

Question : Berapa biaya untuk berlangganan DOI by RJI?

Answer :

Rp. 500.000 untuk Institusi Universitas, Pemerintahan, Asosiasi, dan Yayasan.

Rp. 750.000 untuk Institusi Perusahaan, Publisher, dsb.

Question : Tanya jawab seputar DOI?

Answer :

Q&A Kini hadir setiap hari Senin, Rabu dan Jumat pada pukul : 09.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB melalui kanal zoom meeting RJI.

Q&A DOI by RJI ini diperuntukkan kepada seluruh member DOI RJI yang ingin berkonsultasi seputar DOI. Mulai dari aktivasi dan setting DOI, konsultasi terkait pembayaran, konsultasi layanan yang ada dalam fitur doi.relawanjurnal.id, konsultasi mengenai pendaftaran, dan lain sebagainya.

So, jangan sampai ketinggalan ya ;)

What is included in the journal and archive assistance?

Indonesian Journal Volunteers (RJI) is committed to registering your journal in journalstories.ai. If you experience any issues during registration, you can contact us at helpdesk@journalstories.ai. RJI is also willing to provide journal assistance at your location.

What is the annual fee for non-profit and profit organizations?

The annual fee for non-profit organizations is Rp. 500,000/35 USD and for profit organizations is Rp. 750,000/50 USD. You can make the payment at https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/home/product.

What is the annual fee for non-profit and profit organizations?

The annual fee for non-profit organizations is Rp. 500,000/35 USD and for profit organizations is Rp. 750,000/50 USD. You can make the payment at https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/home/product.

How does the deposit payment work?

The deposit payment is based on the invoice and corresponds to the number of articles activated.

What is the content register payment?

The content register payment will be paid using your deposit funds and the exchange rate will be adjusted. For more information, please check the Crossref fee provisions at https://www.crossref.org/fees/#content-registration-fees.

What if I receive a payment bill and my deposit is not enough?

In this case, you are required to make the payment within 40 days after the bill is issued. If the payment is not made, your account will be temporarily suspended. To reopen your account, please send an email to doi@relawanjurnal.id with the subject "Open Suspend" and include your publisher's name, prefix, and PIC in the email body.

What are the terms for article activation?

All articles that have been published in your journal under your institution will be activated, not just limited to certain years. You can find more information about the activation terms at https://www.crossref.org/membership/terms/.

What are the stages creating DOI through RJI?
  1. Fill in the registration form here https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/home/register and complete it.
  2. Check email (two incoming emails).
    • Account Register Verification: this email contains a verification link and registrant data. Please open the message and click on Account Activation! The activation link valid for a maximum of 24 hours. Besides, this email also provides registrant data including a login username and password to the DOI application by RJI ( https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/ ).
    • New Invoice from DOI by RJI: this email contains invoices and payment methods. The amount of invoice is the annual fee and deposit for first filled on the registration form. Apart from this email invoice, it also contains an assignment letter template. This assignment letter is needed as a condition for registering a DOI through RJI.
  3. Login to the DOI application by RJI ( https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/ ) upload proof of payment and a letter of assignment. Immediately process the payment through transfer or via ATM.
  4. The DOI team by RJI will validate the two documents. If it has been validated, the notification will be sent on email and the DOI application by RJI. This email contains a statement that the Letter of Assignment and Proof of Payment have been validated. The email has attachments a) Receipt; and b) Steps and Instructions to fill the form of DOI at Crossref.
  5. Fill in the form at Crossref. Wait 3-6 working days to get DOI Prefik, username, and password for DOI activation. We will convey this information through the DOI application by RJI and email. So please check the DOI application by RJ periodically. Note: All DOI registration activities are informed via registered email.
How to fill out an assignment letter?

The assignment letter contains information that the leader knows and assigns you to the process of managing DOI through RJI. This assignment letter is made following the template provided and may be modified according to habits and factual conditions at your institution. Who is the chief? The chief is the person who is responsible for the publishers that you register. In general, the details are as follows:

  1. Publisher at University level assigned by the University Leader (Rector, vice of rector, Head of Institution and so on);
  2. Publishers at the Faculty level, the assigning leadership is the Dean, Deputy of Dean or Institutions at the Faculty level;
  3. Publisher at the Department / Study Program level, the leader who assigns is the Head of the Department or the Head of the Study Program;
  4. And other levels can be adjusted according to the conditions above.
How much does it cost to create DOI via RJI?

To create DOI, it costs an annual fee and content register.

  1. The annual fee for corporation (eg. LLC, Inc., PT, CV) start from January 2022 will be charged IDR 750,000 or $50. For others will be charged IDR 500,000, or $35. The annual fee will be adjusted to the month when you registered. So, you do not need to calculate it because it is set automatically by the system.
  2. Content Register. The cost per one content/article is 1 USD of the Current Year and 0.15 USD of Back Year. https://www.crossref.org/fees/#content-registration-fees

Note : Annual Fee and Register Content are paid through the DEPOSIT mechanism to RJI. Deposit is filling the balance in your institutional DOI account. The minimum deposit for the first time handling a DOI is IDR 1,500,000 (one million and five hundred thousand rupiahs) and there is no maximum number. This deposit is used to ensure that the first year DOI activation is facilitated by a sufficient balance. Furthermore, the minimum available balance must be more than IDR 500,000 for non profit corporation, and IDR 750,000 for profit corporation.

Update : June 2023

How to Add Deposit and Upload Payment Proof?

You can add to the deposit at any time, if it is done independently it will be easier. Here are the stages:

  1. Login on to the DOI Application by RJI ( https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/ );
  2. Click on “DEPOSIT”:
  3. Click New Deposit;
  4. Enter the nominal you want to deposit, click ADD item;
  5. Then click Submit;
  6. The invoices will be sent to your email automatically;
  7. Please check email.

After making payment via Bank Transfer, ATM, and other means, you need to upload proof of payment in the following way:

  1. Click Invoice;
  2. Click Confirm;
  3. Upload proof of payment.
What are the DOI Activation Steps if you just got a DOI Prefix from RJI?

There are 3 ways to activate DOI:

  1. Upload the XML at http://doi.crossref.org. On the first login, enter the username and password that you have previously;
  2. Registration Settings in the OJS; and
  3. Crossref web deposit on https://www.crossref.org/webDeposit/

Activation Guide on DOI OJS 2 and OJS 3

Video tutorial:

Watch Video

If you have trouble clicking the provided video, please click:


Then, for a failure activation of DOI, please click:


How to Change Contact Person?

If your institution changes the contact person for DOI management through RJI, then you need to

  1. Login on the DOI Application by RJI ( https://doi.relawanjurnal.id/ );
  2. Click Change Account;
  3. Complete the form in the Account Change Request;
  4. Upload a new contact person SK / Letter of Assignment;
  5. Enter the new contact person's email address;
  6. Save
  7. The DOI team by RJI team will review the files
  8. Approved / Rejected

If you experience problems, you can contact us via email at doi@relawanjurnal.id.

How to Manage Similarity Check?

If you have created DOI through RJI, then you have the opportunity to administer a Similarity Check. The application for checking the similarity of the manuscript are Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. The CSC Similarity Check service offers the best way for scholars or scientific authors as users to compare their articles with the largest publication database in the world. Similarity Check users also get access to Turnitin's text comparison tool.

Similarity Check subscription fee when referring to the Fee from Crossref (https://www.crossref.org/fees/#similarity-check-fees ) consists of two parts: first, the annual service fee and second, per-document rate. However, if you register through the Affiliate Sponsoring Organization of Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI), you only need to pay the document checking fee. RJI has already paid for the annual fee or it is free for members. The first 100 documents in the first year are free.

How to register please click on the following link:
